New book!
Press release from Mathilde Grafström (Nude art photographer): 800 nude art book on the street!
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Culture Mayor Franciska Rosenkilde said yes to opening Mathilde Grafström's new art exhibition - and she exhibited her nude art, uncensored for the first time, for one whole month in Copenhagen!
March the 30th, she published her new 800 page photo book:
“Female Beauty 2019 - A Celebration of the Feminine”
The book contains over 1000 pictures of more than 60 models that she photographed over the last 6 years. These are her best pictures, and she hopes the viewer can forgive her all the technical and artistic mistakes she have made over her time as an artist.
A small selection of these pictures has been exhibited at the pedestrian street “Strøget” and Mathilde states “It has been great to talk to the big stream of passing pedestrians at my exhibition at Nytorv Square in Copenhagen, and it was staggering that it has been allowed to stand somewhere so visible, that it could be seen by 25,000 pedestrians daily.” (see news article on the reactions here:
The pictures of naked women photographed in nature, which was exhibited for the first time completely uncensored, have caused many reactions from the audience, both negative and positive. The male audience seems to be mostly positive; the woman more skeptical and critical.
My message is, that all women have a deep and marvelous beauty that need not be compared to others, but only celebrated, has been delivered to the people, and it is a very small miracle for me to succeed, when I think back of all the censorship and police bans in 2015. So much things have changed! (see Independent article from 2015:
The exhibition even stood intact, without having encountered any significant vandalism this time - I am very grateful for the public's good treatment of it!
Mission with Mathilde’s nude art/The purpose of the project:
This is an art project, based on the fact that all women are beautiful if they allow themselves to be. We must fight the negative self-image that most women suffer and make them unhappy.
"Female Beauty" is a series of photographs of ordinary women, shown naked in nature - taken to show that all women have infinite beauty if we just dare find it and share it with others.
"Female Beauty" is a love project about the body, created to inspire all women in the world to accept the body and life as it is.
The art project is a response to today's New Puritan trend that blurs society today, which is not only harmful to a whole generation of young women, but also contradicts the idea of freedom and the right to be as one is.
The project requires a more inclusive and real perception of beauty. The women on my pictures are beautiful, not because they are Photo shopped, because they are not - but because they have laid their facade so you can see their spontaneous expression of life.
The exhibition is a continuation of the 2016 exhibition, and with this exhibition Denmark can once again pride itself on being one of the most liberal countries in the world.Put an end to the negative self-image! The purpose is to help women of the world to a greater self-acceptance and a more body-positive attitude.
Description of the Nytorv exhibition 2019:
The exhibition is mainly a renewed, minor continuation of the previous exhibition from Nytorv in July 2016, and was be a total of 4 m in height and up to 4.4 m in width.
The construction on which the works of art are tied up on, is a square structure out of 257 EU pallets, shaped like a "house" with a gate. The exhibition is illuminated with LED spots and the works are printed on a special weather-resistant and UV-treated canvas and mounted on the pallets. The pictures for the exhibition can be experienced both on the outside part of the construction towards the pedestrian street but also inside the walls of the "house".
The pictures attached can freely be published by the media.