Destinations UA - Female Beauty Project Ukraine

On Thursday 8th March at 7pm, on International Women's Day 2018, Triptych: Global Arts Workshop will present Danish photographer Mathilde Grafström's controversial photography series, THE FEMALE BEAUTY PROJECT.
It has been censored in the photographer’s native Denmark, as well as credited for creating a huge debate in the Scandinavian countries and across Europe. The project, which shows nude women of different nationalities in their natural surroundings, has a simple but powerful message:
TO ERADICATE INEQUALITY, WOMEN MUST FIRST FULLY ACCEPT AND EMBRACE THEIR OWN BODIES. In 2016, a story broke in the international media that an exhibition of a female Danish photographer was censored in Copenhagen, completely misunderstanding the artist's intention of reclaiming the subject of the female nude from the mass advertising and pornography industry, which caters to the male gaze.
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