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Photographer Mathilde Grafström says she snaps naked women to help them find their own beauty - but her new exhibition has fallen foul of prudish police in Copenhagen

No offence: But police took exception to Mathilde's nude portraits

A photographic exhibition of artistic female nudes aimed at promoting body confidence has been declared 'indecent' by police and shut down.

Danish photographer Mathilde Grafström's new show 'Female Beauty' was due to open at Copenhagen's Nytorv square, depicting naked women posing outdoors.

But the full-frontal images have apparently been banned by police, who deemed them "offensive" and "indecent".

Grafström told Danish news agency TV 2 the move was "total supression of my art".

"I do not understand that my pictures can be offensive.

"They do not show something you do not see when you change clothes in the swimming pool."

On her own website, Grafström writes candidly about her own body hang-ups as one of the inspirations behind her work.

"I think my hips and breasts are too small," she writes.

Read more: Sexy curves on show for new book celebrating the true beauty of women

"Sometimes when my boyfriend is looking at my body, I think that I'm unattractive.

"But then I can see that it's all the negative thoughts about my body that makes me less beautiful and unfree."

Grafström has now filed a complaint to police about an advert for Danish plastic surgery clinic Nygart, which apparently feature bare breasts and has appeared on buses around the city.

Mathilde Grafström

Body image: Mathilde says her pictures reinforce a positive body image for the models

She said in her complaint: "Nygart's breasts are plastic.

"My photos have aesthetic expression.

"It is shocking that my pictures are obscene, while advertising is not."

"I have been told that my pictures would be harmful for children to look at.

"I see even my images as innocent."

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