Upcoming exhibitions:
Nyborg Townhall - Portraits of kids
The Le Pont Organization and Gallery, Aleppo, Syria
20 A3 size Female Beauty pictures
Date unknown, the exhibition will open after the Corona crises ends in Aleppo.
Permanent exhibitions:
Glostrup Town Hall
Glostrup local city pictures at the New Glostrup Culture House
Opening: 9/7 - 2020
Odsherred Townhall
26 prints of local landscapes, exhibited in all meeting rooms.
Opening: October 2019.
Elsebråne Retreat Center, Asarum, Sweden
Female Beauty
10 pc. 80x120cm prints.
Opening: May 2015 - and is still there today.
Previous exhibitions:
Christiansborg/The Parliament
10 Female Beauty pictures
8 Oktober 2020 - 8 april 2021
Gallery Sapere Aude
Female Beauty + Corona crisis exhibition “Det Levende og Det Døde”
2/8 - 2020
Rådhuspladsen København
“Corona krisen” 50 fotografier udstilles i forbindelse med OOC demonstration
20/7 - 2020
Rådhuspladsen København
“Corona krisen” 50 fotografier udstilles i forbindelse med OOC demonstration
5/7 - 2020
Vordingborg Bibliotek
Female Beauty - Afseksualisering af kroppen
11/3-17/4 - 2020
Nytorv "Female Beauty - Celebration of the Feminine"
All of March 2019 - VIEW MORE
Odense Ungdomshus "Femifestival"
1-3 March 2019
Triptych Art Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
“Female Beauty in Ukraine”
February 2018, 4 weeks.
Hjørring Public Library, Denmark
“Female Beauty”
September 2017, 2 weeks.
Marieholm Yllefabriken, Sweden
“Female Beauty - Nude in the Public Space"
July 2017, 1 week.
National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Kiev.
“Female Beauty - Ukrainian Art Week”
17-22 may 2017, 2 weeks.
“Female Beauty - Nude in the public space” - Nytorv Copenhagen.
Large public exhibition with 50 meters long and 2.2 m high photos from the Female Beauty project, sponsored by Canon and others.
July and August, 2016. 4 weeks. VIEW MORE
“Female Beauty - Nude in the public space” - Frederiksberg Rådhusplads.
August 22nd - September 1st, 2016. 2 weeks.
Galleri Valdemar, Sæby, Denmark
“Female Beauty”
November 2015. 4 weeks
Gallopperiet at Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark.
“Female Beauty”
May 2015. 1 week.
Exhibition Illutron Art Boat, Refshaleøen, Copenhagen
“Female Beauty With An Edge”
28 large prints and a slideshow with 250 of my best pictures
Juli - August, 2015. 5 weeks.
Vandkulturhuset DGI byen, Copenhagen
Female Beauty
12 piece 80x120cm prints
March & April 2014. 8 weeks.
Kunstudstilling på Christiansborg 2020 | Kunstudstilling på Christiansborg 2020 |
Kunstudstilling på Christiansborg 2020 | Kunstudstilling på Christiansborg 2020 |
Kunstudstilling på Christiansborg 2020 | Kunstudstilling på Christiansborg 2020 |
Glostrup fritidscenter sommer 2020 | Nytorv 2019 |
Nytorv 2019 | Nytorv 2019 |
Femi festival Odense, Denmark 2019 | Triptych Gallery Kiev, Ukraine, 2018 |
National Union of Artists, Ukraine | Harajuku, Japan, 2017 |
Hjørring, Denmark, 2017 | Hjørring, Denmark 2017 |
Marieholm, Sweden, 2017 | Marieholm, Sweden, 2017 |
Marieholm, Sweden, 2017 | Marieholm, Sweden, 2017 |
Marieholm, Sweden, 2017 | Nytorv Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016 |
Nytorv Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016 | Nytorv Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016 |
Nytorv Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016 | Nytorv Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016 |
Galleri Valdemar, Denmark 2015 | Galleri Valdemar, Denmark 2015 |
Galleri Valdemar, Denmark 2015 | Christiania, Denmark, 2015 |
Illutron art boat, Denmark, 2015 | Illutron art boat, Denmark, 2015 |
Illutron art boat, Denmark, 2015 | Illutron art boat, Denmark, 2015 |
Illutron art boat, Denmark, 2015 | Illutron art boat, Denmark, 2015 |
DGI-Byen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014 | DGI-Byen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014 |
DGI-Byen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014 |