Une Danoise ne peut pas exposer ses photos de nu à cause du caractère jugé indécent de son travail Please click on picture to read the...

Jyllands Posten
Klik på billedet for at komme til artiklen på jp.dk To mænd, der har hovedet i hinandens nøgne skridt, var intet problem i det offentlige...

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NY Times
Copenhagen police shut down “offensive” photography exhibition of female nudes Click on the picture to go to article.

Turkish news article.

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Cnewsmatin.fr: Une exposition montrant des femmes nues interdite à Copenhague
French news article. Please click on the picture to read the article.

Huffington Post
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Dansk nakenkunstner anmelder puppereklame på buss Please click on picture to read the article. (Dagbladet is Norway's largest news site...